Tuesday 19 December 2006

Nothing stops the Shopping

Decorations on Orchard Road

If you've ever been to or read anything about Singapore, then one subject that comes up pretty often is the huge array of shopping opportunities available in Singapore. Orchard Road is justifiably famous for the plethora of shopping malls down its not inconsiderable length. A couple of nights ago, forgetting that we're in the run up to Christmas I suggested walking from Raffles to Tangs department store as it should only take 20 mins or so. The road was so packed with shoppers that it took about 45. It makes Oxford Street in December look tame and sane. And the Singaporeans don't seem to have got the hang of avoiding people (or is it just me?) leading to several ramming incidents. Shops don't open here til about 11am, but at the moment they all stay open til about 11pm. This is actually pretty good (unless you are a shop assistant) as it allows you to go to work and then do any shopping afterwards. Although getting a taxi can be an exercise in queuing patience.

Anyway, as if any further proof was required that Singaporeans are shopping addicts, yesterday Tangs department store roof caught fire. But no-one felt the need to actually leave the store and stop shopping. People were saying things like 'we felt perfectly safe, there was an official announcement to keep us all informed'. What like 'Will the gentleman on fire in the underwear section kindly proceed to level 2 where he can wait in line to be extinguished'. It's an interesting insight into the local psyche.

This from the Today newspaper "There was no panic," said the civil servant, who was part of a crowd who gathered to watch the smoky scene outside Orchard MRT station. "When the fire was doused, in quick fashion, everyone clapped."

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